We would like to express to you that visit program is arranged from January 2-5/2021 (Tahisas 24 to 27/ 2014 E.C) to visit displaced peoples due to conflict. The travel will be conducted in Amhara and Afar regions. This will take place through two routes as indicated below:
Route 1: To Amhara Region
Travel on bus starting from Meskel square in Addis Ababa on January 3/2022 (Tahisas 25, 2014) to various destinations in Amhara region where displaced people are found.
Route 2: To Afar Region
Travel to Afar takes place in two ways: One is travel by plane from Addis Ababa to Semera on January 3/2022 (Tahisas 25, 2014) . The second one is travel by bus that starts on January 2/ 2022 (Tahisas 24, 2014) from Addis Ababa to Semera; subsequently, visit to various places will go on.
We, the agency and stakeholders, shall organize the travel; cost privately.
If you wish to travel via either of the routes please tell us your name, telephone number, your choice of one of the routes through the following telephone numbers:
or toll-free telephone number 9434
Notice: Those who already chose your route of travel need not call.
የተፈናቀሉ ወገኖችና በግጭት የተጎዱ አካባቢዎች ጉብኝት ተሳትፎ ማስታወቂያ
ለዳያስፖራዎች የተፈናቀሉ ወገኖችን ጉብኝት ፕሮግራም የጉዞ መረጃ፤
1. የተፈናቀሉ ወገኖችና በግጭት የተጎዱ አካባቢዎች ጉብኝት
2. ቦታ፤ በአማራና አፋር ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስታት
3. ቀን፤ ከታህሳስ 25-27፣ 2014 ዓ/ም
4. የመጓጓዣ መንገድ፤ ታህሳስ 24፣ 2014 በአውቶቡስ፤ ታህሳስ 25 በአውሮፕላን
5. የመመዝገቢያና ተጨማሪ መረጃ ማግኛ መንገዶች፤
– በስልክ ቁጥሮች
+251 965 34 55 33
+251 911 91 21 81
+251 911 46 55 30
+251 11 558 7473
+251 11 558 8355 ወይም በነጻ መስመር 9434)
– በኢሜይል፤ : ethiopian.homecoming@mfa.gov.
– በአካል አዲስ ዳያስፖራ አዳራሽ (መስቀል አደባባይ)
– በአካል የኢትዮጵያ ዳያስፖራ ኤጀንሲ (ካሳንቺስ)
የጉዞ መስመር 1 አዲስ አበባ ደሴ መስመመር (የጉዞ መነሻ መስቀል አደባባይ፤ 12፡30 ሰዓት )
የጉዞ መስመር 2 አዲስ አበባ ሰመራ መስመመር (በመኪና መጓዝ ላቀዳችሁ የጉዞ መነሻ መስቀል አደባባይ፤ 12፡30 ሰዓት በአውሮፕላን መጓዝ ላቀዳችሁ ቀድማችሁ ለሰኞ ታህሳስ 25/2014ዓ.ም (Jan. 3rd, 2022) ለጠዋት በረራ ቦታ እንድትይዙ (book እንድታደርጉ) እናሳውቃለን፡፡
አዘጋጅ:- የአማራና አፋር ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስታት ከኢትዮጵያ ዳያስፖራ ኤጀንሲ ጋር በመተባበር