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ኢትዮጲያዊ ሀገሩ የት ነው?

ኢትዮጲያዊ ሀገሩ የት ነው?

የ”ኢትዮጲያዊ ሀገሩ የት ነው? ”  

መፅሐፍ ምረቃ

አድራሻ:  ቤል ቪው ሆቴል

ሰዓት:11 ጀምሮ ከቀኑ ይመረቃል

ቀን: ጥር 27 ,2014 ዓ.ም




The event is finished.

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Apr 28 - 30 2022


All Day


Bellevue Hotel And Spa


  • Dr Mehret Debebe
    Dr Mehret Debebe
    Certified Consultant and Psychiatrist

    Dr. Mehret Debebe is a board certified consultant psychiatrist since 2008 and fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Currently he focuses on doing personal and leadership development work. He is an experienced physician since 1998 and worked as a psychiatrist both in Ethiopia and the US since 2008. He founded and lead a successful consultancy and training firm called MINDSET CONSULT in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He have trained thousands of government and private senior leaders/professionals since 2012. Just took the responsibility to lead the newly established African Leadership Excellence Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He have also written two widely read novels in Amharic ‘yetekolefebet kulf’ and ‘Lelasew’.

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